WeldenField’s Spiritual Integration Model Featured on FaithDrivenInvestor.org

Excerpt from FaithDrivenInvestor.org

by Amanda Lawson

Oh, the irony when the cobbler’s kid has no shoes. This is a favorite metaphor of Chuck Welden, CEO of Welden Field, a property management and development firm that has turned its gaze toward measuring Kingdom Performance Indicators alongside traditional KPIs. It points out the counterintuitive nature of how the American Church typically views mission work as almost exclusively international, while neglecting the mission field within its borders.

Seeking to address this disparity, Welden Field has joined the ranks of other FDIs and FDEs integrating faith in their multifamily business operations. In addition to inviting investors to participate in a monthly prayer meeting, Welden Field designates 2% of its annual equity to support efforts toward spiritual integration in its communities.

Read entire article at FaithDrivenInvestor.org